Global positioning system (GPS) and platform transmitter terminal (PTT) tags reveal fine-scale migratory movements of small birds: A review highlights further opportunities for hypothesis-driven research

Authors: Autumn R. Iverson, Jessica L.B. Schaefer, Shannon M. Skalos, and Carly E. Hawkins Year: 2023 Publication: Ornithological Applications Publication Link: Keywords: bird, GPS, migration, movement ecology, PTT, satellite, tracking Abstract: Studying migration is critically important for understanding the full-annual cycle

Using song dialects to reveal migratory patterns of Ruby-crowned Kinglet populations

Authors: Edward R. Pandolfino and Lily A. Douglas Year: 2023 Publication: Avian Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution Publication Link: Keywords: Corthylio calendula; distribution; migration; migration route; Ruby-crowned Kinglet; song; song dialect; winter range Abstract: Conservation of a migratory species requires knowledge not

Diverse strategies for tracking seasonal environmental niches at hemispheric scale

Authors: Jeremy Cohen and Walter Jetz Year: 2023 Publication: Global Ecology and Biogeography Publication Link: Keywords: big data, birds, climatic niche, environmental niche, functional trait groups, hypervolume, migration, phylogenetic signal, seasonal niche tracking, seasonality Abstract: Aim: Species depend upon a constrained