2018, “Nocturnal Migration at Aulds Mountain Wind Farm in 2016 and its Relation to Collision Mortality: An Acoustic Study”. John F. Kearney & Associates for BA Wind LP, January. (Read/download online here)
2017, “Nocturnal Acoustic Monitoring of Bird Migration, South Canoe Wind Farm, Autumn 2015 to Spring 2017”. John F. Kearney & Associates for South Canoe Development Partnership, July. (Read/download online here)
2017, “Sable Wind, Breeding and Migrating Birds Post-Construction Monitoring, 2015-2016”. John F. Kearney & Associates for the Municipality of the District of Guysborough and Nova Scotia Power Inc., March. (Read/download online here)
2016, “Nocturnal Acoustic Monitoring of Bird Migration, South Canoe Wind Farm, Spring 2016.” John F. Kearney & Associates for South Canoe Development Partnership, August 2016.
2016, “Nocturnal Acoustic Monitoring, South Canoe Wind Project, Autumn 2016.” John F. Kearney & Associates for South Canoe Development Partnership, May 2016.
2015, “Spring Nocturnal Migration at Amherst, Nova Scotia, 2014-2015.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Mi’Kmaq Wind4All Communities LP, 13 p.
2015, “Final Report: Post-Construction Bird and Bat Monitoring, Fairmont Wind Farm.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Fairmont Wind LP, 18 p.
2015, “Amherst Community Wind Farm: Avian Baseline Study.” For Mi’Kmaq Wind4All Communities LP, 41p.
2013, (with Catherine Craig) “Final Report: Post-Construction Avian Monitoring, Digby Neck Wind Farm.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Nova Scotia Power Inc., 28 p.
2013, “Spring Nocturnal Passage and Acoustic Monitoring – 2013 – Preliminary Report Sable Wind Project.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Sable Wind Project Team, 12 p.
2013, “Nuttby Mountain Spring Migration: Final Report of Post-Construction Monitoring.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Nova Scotia Power Inc., 20 p.
2013, “Final Report: Post-Construction Monitoring, Nuttby Mountain Wind Farm, Breeding Birds, 2011-2012.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Nova Scotia Power Inc., 11 p.
2013, “Final Report. Pre-and Post-Construction Monitoring. Glen Dhu Wind Energy. Breeding Bird Surveys, 2007-2012.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Shear Wind Inc., 14 p.
2013, “Final Report. Post-Construction Monitoring. Glen Dhu Wind Energy. Spring Migration.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Shear Wind Inc., 20 p.
2013, “Final Report, Sable Wind Pre-Construction Avian Monitoring, Autumn Migration 2013.” John F. Kearney & Associates for the Sable Wind Project Team, 26 p.
2013, “Final Report, Pre-Construction Monitoring, Winter and Breeding Birds, Sable Wind Project.” John F. Kearney & Associates for the Sable Wind Project Team, 13 p.
2013, “Final Report – Sable Wind Pre-construction Monitoring – Spring Migration.” John F. Kearney and Associates for the Sable Wind Project Team, 16 p.
2012, “The Birds of Winter on Nuttby Mountain.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Nova Scotia Power Inc., 6 p.
2012, “Final Report: Post-Construction Bird and Bat Monitoring, Maryvale Wind Project.” John F. Kearney & Associates, 13 p.
2010, “The Pre-Dawn Descent of Thrushes at the Glen Dhu Wind Farm Site: An Acoustic Study.” Prepared by John F. Kearney and Associates for Shear Wind Inc., 15 p.
2010, “The Flight Behaviour of Soaring Birds at the Scarp Face: Glen Dhu Wind Farm Site.” John F. Kearney & Associates for Shear Wind, Inc., 11 p.
2010, “An Assessment of the Autumn Bird Migration at the Point Tupper Wind Farm.” John F. Kearney & Associates for CBCL Ltd., 10 p.
2008, “Avian Baseline Study & Environmental Impact Assessment: Glen Dhu Wind Farm.” John F. Kearney & Associates, Prepared for Stantec. Proponent: Shear Wind Inc., 112 p.