Based in Beaver River, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, John F. Kearney & Associates is committed to communities’ social and ecological health.
The company leader, Dr. John Kearney, is a social anthropologist with forty years of experience working in a wide variety of community, academic, and industry settings in Canada, South America, and Asia. His publications include numerous reports, journal articles, book chapters, and a book on natural resource management. He has also played a leading role in implementing community-based resource management in Canada.

In recent years, the company has focused on environmental assessments and the conservation of biodiversity, with a particular emphasis on bird populations. The company has developed expertise in using bioacoustics to monitor the impacts of development projects on birds and identify important areas for effective conservation measures and habitat protection.
John F. Kearney & Associates was the lead partner in Listening Together from 2019-2023. This project aimed to engage Mi’kmaw communities, naturalists, citizen scientists, non-governmental organizations, civil servants, and university and government scientists in the conservation of biodiversity in Kespukwitk (Southwest Nova Scotia) through bioacoustics. The company continues its bioacoustic work through funding from the federal Priority Places initiative, administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables in Nova Scotia.
Dr. Kearney is committed to conserving biodiversity through writings that integrate the natural sciences and anthropology.