Effects of habitat, season, and age on winter fat storage by migrant and resident birds in Jamaica

Authors: Bradley J. Bergstrom, Matthew D. Johnson, Jared C. Harris, and Thomas W. Sherry Year: 2019 Publication: Journal of Field Ornithology Publication Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jofo.12294 Access: Subscription Keywords: energy stores, fasting, Neotropical migrant, winter ecology, total-body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) Abstract: Most small birds

Transcriptome Analyses of Heart and Liver Reveal Novel Pathways for Regulating Songbird Migration

Authors: William J. Horton, Matthew Jensen, Aswathy Sebastian, Craig A. Praul, Istvan Albert, & Paul A. Bartell Year: 2019 Publication: Scientific Reports Publication Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-41252-8 Access: Open Keywords: Many birds undertake long biannual voyages during the night. During these times of the

Sex differences in migratory restlessness behavior in a Nearctic– Neotropical songbird

Authors: Jessica E. Deakin, Christopher G. Guglielmo, and Yolanda E. Morbey Year: 2019 Publication: The Auk Publication Link: https://academic.oup.com/auk/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/auk/ukz017/5454780 Access: Subscription Keywords: migration, migratory restlessness, Nearctic–Neotropical songbird, protandry, radio telemetry, seasonal timing Abstract: Most seasonally migrating songbirds exhibit protandry, whereby males arrive

2nd Week of May – Beaver River, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia

The return of rain, wind, and cool temperatures resulted in little nocturnal migration this week. Similar to one night in the previous week, the only notable migration occurred on the night of 11-12 May when strong winds blew out of the northwest

1st Week of May – Beaver River, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia

There was nocturnal migration recorded during six out of seven nights this week, the most consistent pattern of movement for this spring to date. The largest movement occurred on the night of 7-8 May when veering winds from southwest to northwest over

4th Week of April – Beaver River, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia

Despite continuing strong winds, the pace of migration picked up during the last week of April. The largest movement of the week was the night of 25-26 April when near calm winds (< 10 km/hr) persisted throughout the night. An estimated 34