Climate change and maladaptive wing shortening in a long-distance migratory bird

Authors: Carolina Remacha, César Rodríguez, Javier de la Puente, and Javier Pérez-Tris Year: 2020 Publication: The Auk Keywords: apparent survival, climate change, Luscinia megarhynchos, migration, population monitoring, trait optimization, wing shape Abstract: Contemporary phenotypic trends associated with global change are widely documented,

Magnetic compass of garden warblers is not affected by oscillating magnetic fields applied to their eyes

Authors: Julia Bojarinova, Kirill Kavokin, Alexander Pakhomov, Roman Cherbunin, Anna Anashina, Maria Erokhina, Maria Ershova & Nikita Chernetsv Year: 2020 Publication: Scientific Reports Publication Link: Abstract: The magnetic compass is an important element of the avian navigation system, which allows migratory

Diel variation in corticosterone and departure decision making in migrating birds

Authors: Cas Eikenaara, Jana Schäfera, Sven Hesslera, Florian Packmorb, Heiko Schmaljohanna Year: 2020 Publication: Hormones and Behavior Publication Link: Keywords: Rhythm, Daily, Corticosterone, Migration, Stopover, Departure, Songbird, Radio-tracking Abstract: Animals usually show distinct periods of diel activity and non-activity. Circulating baseline

Lack of evidence of a Pleistocene migratory switch in current bird long-distance migrants between Eurasia and Africa

Authors: Raquel Ponti, Angel Arcones, Xavier Ferrer, and David R. Vieites Year: 2020 Publication: Journal of Biogeography Publication Link: Keywords: bird migration, fossil record, LGM, Species Distribution Models, trans-Saharan migratory birds Abstract: Aim: During the Plio-Pleistocene, glacial cycles shaped Northern Hemisphere

Rice fields along the East Asian- Australasian flyway are important habitats for an inland wader’s migration

Authors: Satoe Kasahara, Gen Morimoto, Wataru Kitamura, Sadao Imanishi & Nobuyuki Azuma Year: 2020 Publication: Scientific Reports Publication Link: Abstract: To maintain and recover populations of migratory waders, we must identify the important stopover sites and habitat use along migration routes.

Geolocator study reveals east African migration route of Central European Common Terns

Authors: Jelena Kralj, Miloš Martinović, Luka Jurinović, Péter Szinai, Szandra Sütő, and Bálint Preiszner Year: 2020 Publication: Avian Research Publication Link: Keywords: Inland population, Light-level geolocators, Mozambique Channel, Red Sea, Sterna hirundo, Stopover sites, Wintering area Abstract: Background: The majority of

Partial migration in a subtropical wading bird in the southeastern United States

Authors: Simona Picardi, Peter C. Frederick , Rena R. Borkhataria, AND Mathieu Basille Year: 2020 Publication: Ecosphere Publication Link: Keywords: GPS tracking; movement ecology; Mycteria americana; net squared displacement; partial migration; wading birds; wood stork Abstract: The function of migration is

Seasonally specific changes in migration phenology across 50 years in the Black-throated Blue Warbler

Kristen M. Covino, Kyle G. Horton, and Sara R. Morris Year: 2020 Publication: The Auk: Ornithological Advances Publication Link: Keywords: banding data, Black-throated Blue Warbler, migration, phenology, songbird Abstract: The availability of detailed information that encompasses the geographic range of a